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Sara T. Hoke was promoted to the role of CFEd (Certified Financial Educator) Housing Stability Manager in 2020. She is responsible for overseeing and supporting staff and all housing stability programs across CHP. Sara started working at CHP in 2012 as a part-time Resident Services Coordinator and has 12 years of Financial and Human Services experience. She is a certified Financial Education Instructor, Financial Capabilities Trainer, and an NCHEC Coach. Sara is a licensed Financial Agent and is a member of the National Financial Educators Council. She studied at the Financial Services Institution and Dabney S. Lancaster Community College. Sara has a passion for financial stability, education, and has substantial experience in Eviction Prevention and Housing Stability programs. 


Housing Services

CHP not only offers desirable, economical homes to own or rent, but also encourages personal and community success through supportive services and programming. CHP Housing Services includes Asset Management, Homeownership, Property Management, and Resident Services.

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