April 4, 2024

CHP weatherization service areas in Virginia

Community Housing Partners (CHP) Energy Solutions, a leader in weatherization services across Virginia, is proud to announce that it has been selected by the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) to serve four localities in Eastern Virginia through the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). Residents of Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, and Norfolk can now benefit from CHP’s expertise and services in making homes more energy-efficient and comfortable.

CHP has provided weatherization services in Virginia since 1976, serving the New River Valley, Central Virginia, Northern Virginia, and Southern Virginia. CHP has already begun building partnerships and conducting audits for households in Eastern Virginia and will partner with area contractors to deliver services to the area.

“We are thrilled to be selected to serve Eastern Virginia,” said Mark Jackson, CHP’s Vice President of Energy Solutions. “This area has unique challenges but also a significant need for our services. Combining our skilled crews with strong local contractor partnerships makes us well-positioned to address the community’s demands.”

CHP Energy Solutions has begun contacting clients in the region who had previously applied for weatherization assistance. Clients have been eager to reapply, with over 100 immediately reaching out to CHP for assistance.

CHP is taking a proactive approach to providing weatherization services in Eastern Virginia, leveraging partnerships with Dominion Energy and Columbia Gas to maximize energy-efficiency program benefits for families. CHP also utilizes Weatherization Deferral Repairs funds through the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) to deliver deeper weatherization retrofits.

CHP Energy Solutions is committed to providing quality weatherization services throughout Virginia. If you reside in Eastern Virginia and are interested in making your home more energy-efficient and comfortable, call 888-229-3714 to learn more about available programs. To apply for weatherization services, visit chpenergysolutions.org.

Interested in partnering with us? Reach out to our outreach team at escommunications@chpc2.org