August 29, 2018
The health and safety of the elderly is a top priority for the Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority (ARHA) during the heat and humidity of the summer months.
Recently, Dominion Energy, through its EnergyShare program, delivered 156 window air conditioning units to the ARHA for distribution to eligible senior public housing residents. The Virginia-headquartered utility company is helping pay for the cost of running the units and, with the help of Community Housing Partners (CHP), will provide energy-saving tips for residents to stay comfortable, save energy, and lower their bills year-round.
ARHA, Dominion Energy, and CHP held an event in Alexandria in mid-August to highlight the partnership with comments from Virginia State Senator Dick Saslaw and Alexandria City County Member Willie Baliey. CHP’s Mark Jackson, Vice President of Energy Solutions, and Chris Heslep, Director of Field Operations for Energy Solutions, were also on hand to answer questions.
“In the brutal heat like we’ve had recently, these A/C units could be a lifesaver, especially for the elderly or the children, and will provide a far better quality of life for all our residents regardless of age,” said Alexandria Mayor Allison Silberberg, in a statement about the event.
This effort is possible due to the Grid Transformation and Security Act, which became law earlier this year and expanded the EnergyShare heating and cooling assistance program. The expansion will result in $130 million more being added to the energy assistance program conceived in 1982 to help seniors, low-income families, disabled individuals, and veterans and help to modernize Virginia’s electric system. Earlier this year, Dominion Energy also organized an air conditioning unit giveaway in Richmond, Virginia.